Smart Reha


SMART REHABILITATION CENTER is a new and innovative concept developed by AQUILIA HEALTH. SMART is an abbreviation that stands for: Specialized, Multidisciplinary, Academic, Recovering, and Technological, and we believe these are the core pillars of the modern rehabilitation care.


Smart rehabilitation center is expected to deliver a specialized care to patients via centers of Excellence (CoEs). Delivery of our care model is meticulously planned to reflect the rising rehabilitation market needs and global disability burden. By creating specialized service scope, we provide the best possible medical solutions and fulfill patient demand.


The multidisciplinary approach is one of the most important prerequisites for successful rehabilitation. Goal – oriented rehabilitation is only possible when various disciplines and their measures (medical, therapeutical, social, technical and pedagogical) work together in a coordinated manner, considering patients and their private and professional life situations.


We expect to create a strong cooperation model with reputable medical universities, research centers and other teaching institutions. We believe that such synergy is an inevitable part of the effective care delivery in the rehabilitation field. Our concept is based on the international best-practice and leading trends, where continuous staff and patient education is necessary to bring the best possible care to the patients.


We are determined to provide pleasant, warm and friendly environment through the healing architecture for the patients to achieve faster and safer recovery. Our patient-centered approach together with the lifestyle medicine concept can encourage patients to lead back to a quality life and restore their daily functions.


Technology is inevitable part of the modern rehabilitation care delivery. We intend to promote digitalization of the rehabilitation care in the fields of e-health, medical technology, mobile apps and to encourage our medical staff to use these technological tools to deliver better care.

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